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We provide ‘in-the-boat’ support, not only delivering immediate skills and capability, but also providing retained value through the development of Super-Users in your organisation
Each topic below is distinct tool we can use to help you. We holistically combine many tools to provide the best solution for your individual needs. Scroll below to see how we can support, or investigate further via our application notes:
- Innovation Benchmarking and Process Mapping
- Optimising Innovation Processes and Culture
- Innovation Adoption Strategies
- Innovation Leadership
- Partnering and Consortia (membrane)
- Organisational Structures and Change Management
- Knowledge Management for Innovation
- Innovation-Led Regional Development
- Technology Feasibility, Filtering, and Staircases
- Market and Customer Analysis
- ‘Fuzzy’ Requirements and Product Ideation
- Technical Product Definition
- Technology Convergence
- Innovation Project Management
- IP, FTO, and Patents
- Market Entry, Adoption and Reimbursement
- Creativity Benchmarking
- Creativity Needs Assessment
- Co-Creative Team Capability
- Team Functional Roles
- Team Building
- Creative Team Facilitation and Leadership
- Creativity Processes and Training
- Developing a Creative Culture and Environment
- Quality Systems for Innovation
- ISO13485
- Design Control for Innovation
- Risk Management - ISO14971
- CE Marking, including Medical
- MDR Remediation
- Regulatory Affairs and Standards
- Regulatory Approvals, including FDA
- Business Development
- Client/Investor Relationship Management
- Investor Packs and Acquisition
- Grant Engagement
- Product Pitching
- Demonstrations and Installations
- Funding Strategies
- Key Opinion Leaders
- Papers and Publications
- Design Requirements and History Files
- Prototyping and Technical Skills
- Experimental Planning, Delivery and Analysis
- Clinical Trials
- Human factors, Ergonomic and Industrial Design
- Design for Manufacture and Cost of Goods
- Certification, Verification and Validation